The issue of walkability and how accessible alternative modes of transportation outside of individually owned vehicles is prevalent in many American cities. As someone who…

“A human-scaled GIS: measuring and visualizing social interaction in Barcelona’s Superilles” The combined use of GIS, Rhino, and Grasshopper as well as a creative way…

The study and research on Superilles is full of data collection, analysis and visualization through a three year period and informs us a lot about…

Eugene sometimes experience short burst of smoky days due to wild fires in or close to the city. Last fall, there was about 2-3 smoky…

Biking in Eugene: While Eugene has many new bike paths and ranks high nationally on bike friendliness, ranking 3rd on an REI ranking, the bikeablity…

I think that having places like superilles is a great way not only to allow for more freedom for pedestrians, but also to create a…

The social interaction tool used to measure some urban design characteristics is an easy way to collect data and with the repetitive visits to the…

Many areas of Eugene are considered to be very walkable and easy to navigate. And while this may be true in terms of critical places…