Towards a self-sufficient habitat, by Vicente Gaullart, Head of Urbanism, City of Barcelona This economic crisis is a fantastic starting point to physically change…
The data researched and analyzed in the Data dimension are highly human interactive and usually through the medium of phones. The various apps as well as our… ***LAST CHANCE*** CONTACT SPERANZA@UOREGON.EDU Amazing life changing opportunity to live and study in Barcelona with experts from Barcelona, work with City of Barcelona…
You will need to download the ELK plugin (Elk 2.0) to your Grasshopper. **Follow installation instructions carefully including unblocking zipped Elk 2 download file. Elk…
download Arduino for Windows or Mac Toptechboy Website- Arduino Lessons (Playlist) Please do lessons 1-5 (website or video with headphones): Arduino Lesson 1: In…
Collecting data like this can easily be used to help people gain more information about their cities and activities, but without doing some further research,…