Project 5.0-Ben Martinez

Project 5.0-Ben Martinez

Problems/Challenges of Site

-steep embankment

-mosquitos in summer

-limited access to site

-difficult to preserve view from path


News Articles

On a clear day, you can see more than 150 feet deep in the lake’s sapphire waters

It’s a center for recreation in late summer and early autumn, when the area’s notoriously thick mosquito population thins out

I stopped to explore the burned area, which was actually home to some of the best sand beaches and spots for cliff jumping

-Best time to visit is late August, September and early October. The lake is open earlier, but mosquitoes are very bad

Mosquitoes thrive until the forests dry and nights turn cold in late summer

Mosquitoes can be lighter at the North Waldo Campground, which is drier

“We’ve had fatalities up there just because of hypothermia,”



Tranquility, Clarity, Purity

Acoustic, Visual



-material of wall

-removing apple grove