“Untitled” Zaha Hadid
Title of Artwork: Untitled
Artist: Zaha Hadid
“ I have always been interested in the concept of fragmentation and with the ideas of abstraction and explosion, deconstructing ideas of repetitiveness and mass production.”
- Minimal use of right angles
- Incorporates curvilinear shapes/segments into mesh to straight lines
- Personal artwork (primarily futuristic paintings) and essays inspire architectural work
- Hand media is instrumental in creative process
- Patterns and forms emerge from seemingly nonsensical images
- Highly influenced by artist, Kazimir Malevich
- Works at multiple scales
- Curve often bisects plan
- Filter light and frame view
- Intentional circulation
- Interaction/moving parts (changeable plan)
- Spatial dichotomies: heavy/light, high/low, inside/outside (temperature)
- Unconventional shape/form (minimal use of right angles)