Project 3 Spatial Performance for Wednesday

Project 3 Spatial Performance for Wednesday

  1. RESEARCH – Make a post include your name, title of artwork, artists, and descriptive paragraph of research about their technique.  *research / wiki to understand the artist (and possibly the piece).
  2. TESTING METHOD – Make a series of diagrams: 5 ideas and a series of 3-5 for each. Print the art work in color and pin it at your desk.
    1. Whats is the sensory quality the artwork and its VARIATIONS inspire/communicate to you? Does it help to download zoomed-in images of that quality and conditions of that quality?
    2. Diagram in words the conditions of the quality over key moments in the artwork.
    3. Catalog that list of 5+ conditions.
    4. Repeat and hardline the diagrams above.
  3. SPACE – Start to find the 6 different sized spaces in plan and draw a series of sections? Hardlined. Name conditions in them.
  4. READ –  Unwin_Transition Hierarchy Heart_Analysing Architecture (in class); Unwin_Stratification_Analysing Arch (for Wednesday) and Ching_Ch 4 Organization_FormSpaceOrder (for Wednesday)

+++Make final posts of P1 and P2.

[Blog category: P3.1 Spatial Performance]