Ana Paricio_BR_everydaylife_map_tool Above you will find the Inclusive Urbanism tool to analyse the spaces, block by block. The idea is to choose an area and…
Ana Paricio Carceles, Urban Psychology, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC
Remodelación del Passeig Sant Joan / Lola Domènech Dentro de la trama isótropa de calles de 20m. de ancho planeada por Cerdà , éste dispuso…
Notes: Trees – leaves or no leaves Shadows Terrazas (outdoor restaurant seating) Neighbors service, loading Staying, Playing Water drainage Winter, Summer Refuse (waste, recycling) Bikes,…
10 principles for livable transportation, by Jan Gehl & Walter Hood More images (GREAT DIAGRAMS/DRAWINGS HERE!!!)