Week 06 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Primitive Geometry + Data Tree (LINES FROM POINTS)
GOAL: To learn the basics of Grasshopper and its relationship to Rhino by creating lines from points; to explain the fundamentals of Grasshopper’s Data Tree organization.
| Introduction to Grasshopper: interface + components (types, uses, etc.) |
Launching a Grasshopper Script:
- Many .gh scripts have a corresponding Rhino file that must be launched first. Typically, these two files will have similar naming schemes but one will have the extension .3dm and the other will be .gh
- If there is a corresponding Rhino script, double click to launch it. If there isn’t a corresponding file you may open a new Rhino file or select one of the templates.
- Once the rhino file is open, type “Grasshopper” into the command line and press enter.
- After Grasshopper loads you can open the corresponding Grasshopper file in several ways:
- Click the green & white “Open” icon and navigate to the file location.
- Click File>Open and navigate to the file location.
- Drag the file directly into the Grasshopper window.
Script 3.1A: Single line from points: create points in both Rhino and Grasshopper, create line, preview on/off, bake.
- NOTES | Components you will need:
- [Point] Holds 3D point(s) in a list.
- [ConstructPoint] Create a 3D point in Grasshopper that will appear in Rhino.
- [Slider] A range of numerical values that can be quickly changed.
- [Line] Creates line between two points.
- [Panel] View and create custom notes and data.
- STEP 01: Create two points
- Method 01: First, create two points in Rhino. Reference these points in individual [Point] components. Create a Point component, then > right click > “Set One Point” > select the Rhino 3D point. Do this for both point components.
- Method 02: Create two [ConstructPoint] components and three [Slider] components for each. Use these sliders for the X, Y, Z inputs to create the points within Grasshopper.
- STEP 02: Create line (curve)
- Retrieve a [Line] component. Plug output of points into input of the line. Note: there are multiple types of line components, make sure that you use the one with the subtext ‘Create a line between two points.”
Script 3.1B: Multiple lines from points, graft/flatten (Data Trees).
- NOTES: Components you will need.
- [Point] Holds 3D point geometry.
- [ConstructPoint] Create a 3D point in Grasshopper.
- [Slider] A range of numerical values.
- [Line] Creates line between two points.
- [Panel] Custom notes and data.
- [Move] Move geometry in a direction.
- [DivideCurve] Divide curves into equal length segments.
- [ParamViewer] Visualize data structure.
- [ListItem] Access a specific item from a list.
- [GraftTree] Removes all branches (condenses list into one group of information).
- [FlattenTree] Creates branch (adds a level of hierarchy by placing each object in the list into its own group).
- STEP 01: Copy previous script
- Use Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V to do this and place the copy in a new location on the Grasshopper canvas.
- STEP 02: “Copy” line
- Use a [Move] component in Grasshopper to “copy” the initial line to a second location within Rhino.
- STEP 03: Divide lines
- Use [DivideCurve] to create equidistant number of points on each line.
- STEP 04: Create lines between points
- Use the previously created points in conjunction with the [Line] component to create straight curves between them.
- Use the [GraftTree] and [FlattenTree] components to understand underlying data structure.
Deliverable (due at end of class period): a screenshot using Snip&Sketch in Windows or use the command ViewCaptureToFile in Rhino.
| External Forces + Simple Operations (ATTRACTOR BASED ALGORITHMS)|
Script 3.1c: Circles derived from GH square grid, first same radii, then with point-attractor cluster.
Script 3.1d: 3D sub-divided NURBS surface point-attractor.
Deliverable (due at end of class period): a screen capture of your script.