[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/222s21/files/2021/03/DIAGRAM.jpg” download=”all” viewer=”google”]
“Individual elements are maintained in hierarchical order by extensive geometric relationships in order to preserve overall unity” (Allen, pg. 93). ** In order to…
0.1 From Object to Field In “Field Conditions,” Allen describes how the concept of field conditions can provide a better understanding of the whole. He…
Flocks like those of birds, have rules for its behavior of movement. The flocks need to have a minimum distance from other objects in the…
Geometric Vs Algebraic Combination The geometric system uses axiality, symmetry and Formal sequence by Unifying them to show the greater relationship to its surroundings. If…
[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/222s21/files/2021/03/Adobe-Scan-Mar-31-2021-4.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”] -From Object to Field I think what is trying to be conveyed here is the broad spectrum of a field condition….
Object to Field: Field condition refers to unifying diverse elements together while maintaining their own identity. Geometric vs Algebraic: Architecture can be divided…