

Object to Field:
Field conditions is when individual objects are joined into a collective field, creating a new identity. “…Moves from the one toward the many, from individuals to collectives, from objects to fields” (92).

Geometric vs Algebraic Combination:
Ratios can either be expressed in geometry or algebraic forms of expression. Geometric systems are made from proportions and hierarchy to make a sense of unity. While algebraic systems are based off of numerical units. Combining the two results in a structure that can be added on to.

Walking out of Cubism:
In postwar US paintings tried to move beyond the cubist syntax of the era. This new minimalism era focused on materials  and objects. “Minimalism develops in sequences, but rarely in fields [like seen in cubism]” (96).

Thick 2D:
“All grids are fields but not all fields are grids. One of the potentials of the field is to redefine the relationship between figure and ground.” (97) A moiré is when are fields are super positioned creating complex irregular behaviors. On top of this mats and moiré both work to create textures.

Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds:
Groupings though they may seem random follow universal rules such as flocking or swarming. Which allows for architects to predict movements of crowds. “Field conditions offer a tentative opening in architecture to address the dynamic of use, behavior of crowds, and the complex geometries of masses in motion” (101)