Exercice 1.a
- Peter Eiseman
Distributed Institutions
A strong historical connection between the precise rules of axiality, symmetry, and formal hierarchy that governs classical architecture and the traditional type-forms of western institutions.
2. Agnes Enes
Thick 2D
The unexpected effects, apparently irregular behaviors result from the combination of elements that are in and regular.
3. Stan Allen
From Object to field
Field configurations are loosely bound aggregates characterized by porosity and local interconnectivity.
4. Iannis Xenakis
Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds.
The rules are defined locally, obstructions are not catastrophic to the whole. Variations and obstacles in the environment are accommodated by fluid adjustment.
5. Toyo Ito
Geometric vs algebraic combination
Parts form ensembles which in turn form larger wholes. precise rules of axiality, symmetry, or formal sequence govern the organization of the whole.