

Intricate local connections. 

Opposites attract, the way things are connected and brought together is what creates field connections, one thing can be completely different than the other, but as long as they are connected and tied together correctly, then they can work together in harmony.

Mathematical relationships between parts

Order and geometrical patterns can lead to beautifully crafted hierarchies and rhythm. Geometrical order can be things like symmetry, proportions, and special angles and shapes that relate to each other, all of these intertwined together can create hierarchy.

Movement of people rather than things

Modern design is more focused on turning movement into ornament rather than the actual space itself. Movement within the space, or the things placed in the space are more important than the space by itself.

Not random, just shifting in size and scale.

Organizing and shifting things around, changing the size but keeping the scale relative can create different compositions, but the relation to the original piece is still there.

Parts of a whole

Combining several pieces, grouping things together, and organizing parts can create unity and a whole piece. A hundred birds in the sky creates a flock, a hundred humans create a crowd.