This is coming along very nicely. I think you clearly illustrated your design intent through the generative diagrams and showed exactly which activities you imagined happening within your bench! The rendering as it is right now is a little hard to see because of the material you picked. It is hard to see where the bench curves and creates these pockets for activities because it is so transparent so I would suggest changing the material or having a more contrasting background for the rendering that more clearly shows light and shadows. Additionally, it would have been helpful to include a drawing of the bench with people in or around it so again see how those activities are interacting with the entirety of the bench. Overall this is a good start and I’m excited to see what this looks like in Part B.
This is coming along very nicely. I think you clearly illustrated your design intent through the generative diagrams and showed exactly which activities you imagined happening within your bench! The rendering as it is right now is a little hard to see because of the material you picked. It is hard to see where the bench curves and creates these pockets for activities because it is so transparent so I would suggest changing the material or having a more contrasting background for the rendering that more clearly shows light and shadows. Additionally, it would have been helpful to include a drawing of the bench with people in or around it so again see how those activities are interacting with the entirety of the bench. Overall this is a good start and I’m excited to see what this looks like in Part B.