These are starting to look good, it was a good first attempt at using the software. To take that even further you’re going to want to experiment with the line weights and line types in the program. Right now the diagrams are reading flat so if you vary your lightweight it will help the diagrams read better and stand out on the page. Regarding the floor plan, this is a good start. Some things to consider would be the wall thickness and the inclusion of a window in the space. Lineweights will also help your plan read more clearly (furniture is lightest, walls and thickest). Overall, a great start to the use of the program, you just need to work on the clarity of your drawings!
These are starting to look good, it was a good first attempt at using the software. To take that even further you’re going to want to experiment with the line weights and line types in the program. Right now the diagrams are reading flat so if you vary your lightweight it will help the diagrams read better and stand out on the page. Regarding the floor plan, this is a good start. Some things to consider would be the wall thickness and the inclusion of a window in the space. Lineweights will also help your plan read more clearly (furniture is lightest, walls and thickest). Overall, a great start to the use of the program, you just need to work on the clarity of your drawings!