This is a good start to using the program. You clearly understood how to compose a diagram in Rhino, to go beyond that you’re going to want to nail down the line weight and line types. I appreciate the use of bunched-up geometry to create a solid as oppose to just coloring in the one geometry. Your floor plan is also looking pretty good, it seems a little diagrammatic which is fine for this assignment but in the future, you’re going to want to show wall thickness and windows. Overall, a good start to the program, and I look forward to seeing your improvement within the next assignment.
This is a good start to using the program. You clearly understood how to compose a diagram in Rhino, to go beyond that you’re going to want to nail down the line weight and line types. I appreciate the use of bunched-up geometry to create a solid as oppose to just coloring in the one geometry. Your floor plan is also looking pretty good, it seems a little diagrammatic which is fine for this assignment but in the future, you’re going to want to show wall thickness and windows. Overall, a good start to the program, and I look forward to seeing your improvement within the next assignment.