

  • From Object to Field

Field conditions focus on how shapes and parts interact with each other. It is the way different parts or components work together in agreement. “… capable of unifying diverse elements while respecting the identity of each”.

  • Geometric vs Algebraic Combinations

As shown in the examples given of the Great Mosque of Cordoba, Spain and St. Peters in Rome, the space consisted of geometric shapes with proportional ratios to one another. “Algebraic, working with numerical units combined one after another, and the other geometric, working with figures (lines, planes, solids) organized in space to form larger wholes”.

  • Walking Out of Cubism

Minimalism acts to break ideas and art down into their most simple form. In contrast, postminimalism does the opposite, creating something that is “painterly and informal”.

  • Thick 2D: Moires and Mats

This idea focuses on how the figure works with the ground- “the relationship between figure and ground”. It uses different compositions: thickness, repetition, ect… to create forms.

  • Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds

Crowds and large groups have many components that have a sense of order and pattern although it may be difficult to see at first. “The crowd always wants to grow; within a crowd there is quality; the crowd loves density; the crowd needs a direction”.