#1: From Object to Field
This refers to a matrix that unifies diverse elements and respects and doesn’t change their identities. It is a space maintaining its key concepts, a somewhat hierarchal order of individual elements, a consonance of parts in which no subtraction occurs to alienate its own beauty.
#2: Minimalism
Minimalism is the approach that came around the 1960s in the attempt to have a more defined relationship with body and structure. It is a type of style that rejects the traditional principles and designs of the past, with more engagement of space of gallery and body of the view.
#3: Moiré
This is a figural effect produced by superposition of two regular fields. It creates a movement through the system, a horizontal phenomenon or extension, highlighting repetition between pieces and “begs the question of the surface”.
#4: Flock
A flock is a design cthat communicates through unity, but perhaps, doesn’t take a specific form of such. It can be best described as unpredictable, and a bit complex, but its notable element is the pattern movement in its diagram.
#5: Crowd
The crowd of people is an example, but this diagramming is rather about the dynamics and the desires based upon the group. Crowds are in packs and share a common interest, or a familiar trait inherent among its individuals.