

From Object to Field 

A field condition is what connects seemingly different elements together. The world comprises several different elements that need to be connected to create a pleasing experience. Artists use several different methods to create a whole from these elements. Field conditions are also connected to figure and ground.

Geometric Vs. Algebraic Combination

Architecture combines several different elements together to create one whole. There are two distinct ways to create a coherent compilation, through Geometry or Algebraic. “…algebraic, working with numerical units combined one after another, and the other geometric, working with figures…organized in space to form larger wholes” (Allen, 94). It is easy to see the different methods of combination when additions are needed to existing buildings. Architects will use these two methods to create coherence from the existing building to the new addition.


Walking out of Cubism

Postwar artists not intent on using abstract art to convey their message began using minimalism. “Minimalism work of the sixties and seventies sought to empty the artwork of its figurative or decorative character…” (Allen 95). In doing so, minimalism creates an experience in viewers through the structure basis of constructions and material.

Thick 2D: Moires, Mats 

The relationship between figure and ground can also be categorized by fields. These connections can make effects on a local scale through moire. “A moire is a figural effect produced by the superposition of two regular fields” (Allen, 98). Moire questions the figure and ground of urban cities.

Flock, Schools, Swarms, Crowds

Crowds and swarms are examples of local field conditions that make a whole. Each individual bird or person acts to form large groups that move together and tend to grow. These “Crowds and swarms operate at the edge of control” (Allen 101). Knowing how crowds operate gives architects a better understanding of how to encourage or discourage them. Crowds also give architects insight into designing cities.