From Object to field:
The idea of opened ended networks and how a city can all still be linked together is important. Rather than focusing on the individual behavior of each element, we must look at how the elements like interval and repetition can connect the field.
Geometric vs. Algebraic Combination:
Hierarchy helps us to separate the individual elements and through the use of geometry can help us to create unity. Within a series of small shapes, a wall can be formed and create a closed whole area that often found in Western classical architecture. This connects to the different styles like in Rome where they add similar parts to existing parts, but both serve and use the logic of accumulation.
Walking Out of Cubism:
The move from cubism to minimalism with a focus on structures and ideas and the relationship created a new type of informative architecture. The idea of not directly making the material follow the flow and instead of directing its flow just like water causes us to have to think about the different conditions of the material.
Thick 2D:
When looking at objects closer up, it may seem like they may be out of scale, but the scale is really dependent on other productions around it.
Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds:
Within each individual movement of the structure, the collective as a whole can show a unique configuration. The use of crowds and complex geometries bring different dynamics to our work.