Object to Field:
Field condition refers to unifying diverse elements together while maintaining their own identity.
Geometric vs Algebraic:
Architecture can be divided into two methods, geometric and algebraic. Geometric uses the concepts of shapes and lines to compose a figure whereas algebraic method uses a fixed unit in combinations.
Walking out of Cubism:
From pre-WWII Europe’s Cubism, America’s art and architecture evolved into a minimalist and post-minimalist approach to design. There was a shift from controlled facets, planes, and lines specific to an object to where the space and materials are the object.
Thick 2D moires, mats:
The concept of moires and mats worked to establish the idea of a two dimensional field into a three dimensional element; in other words, creating texture in a plane.
Flocks, schools, swarms, crowds:
Instead of establishing a universal rule at the scale of the whole object, the idea of establishing local rules that each element must adhere to in relationship to other elements allows for interesting patterns.