- Geometric Combinations
- After reading about the geometric and algebraic combinations, what caught my attention the most was how the reading described geometric combinations. In my interpretation, the reading discussed how geometric shapes have the ability to create a sense of unity and organization. In other words, simplistic forms have the ability to create abstract work.
- From Object to Field
- In the Object to Field portion of the reading, I interpreted the information as simplistic movements, such as lines, creating new diverse concepts while keeping their own identity.
- Walking Out of Cubism
- After reading about the Cubism movement, the article described the idea of minimalism, minimalists emerged during these times. The idea of taking something complex and forming it into the preferred minimalistic form.
- Thick 2D
- This concept emphasizes the idea of drawing one’s attention to the detail of the artwork. In other words, intensifying and concentrate on a certain moment and experience.
- Flocks, Schools, Swarms, & Crowds
- This portion of the article expresses the idea of gatherings, it used the example of flocks of birds. However, in a real context, the idea would be placed on crowds created by people. In my own interpretation, the reading touched up on the concept of crowds and how they can create different patterns and shapes at different times.