

Geometric vs. Algebraic Combination 

This shows how geometrical elements can show order and unity through their forms. The objects may have symmetry or a sequence to show organization of the elements as a whole.

Walking Out of Cubism

From the Cubism movement, the minimalist movement emerged. Minimalist is to get rid of the decorative aspects in the artwork to break it down into a more simplistic and raw form.

Thick 2D

This is the thickening and intensifying of an experience. This can be shown at specific moments or places within the field or city. Certain aspects are colored darker to show this intensification and where it may be located.

Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds

Flocks formed from the bottom up even when the rules given to them never said to specifically “form a flock”. It naturally happens, no matter how large or small the bird flock may be. This is due to local conditions. If there is an obstacle in a certain condition, the birds accommodate through fluid adjustments.

Distributed Institutions 

You can form an institution in a field condition and connect it to its surroundings, but it is important to leave space for adjustments that might be made in the future. This is called a “loose fit”. Our world is constantly changing, which also means buildings and architecture are too. It is important to see how there might be room for change in the future, and to leave room for that to happen.