1.1a Diagramming A_IboaGarcia

1.1a Diagramming A_IboaGarcia

Geometric Vs Algebraic Combination

The geometric system uses axiality, symmetry and Formal sequence by Unifying them to show the greater relationship to its surroundings. If we are using each of the three elements used by individuals it is much harder to have a grander experience of the surroundings. The relationship between the elements and the surroundings elements only work when they are unified. When they are unified it can show hierarchy and create patterns.


Working Out Of Cubism

Minimalism is being able to see and experience the space or world around you in a way where it simplifies it. Architecture of minimalism is about forgetting figurative or decorative work to see space as a kind of decoration to move around. The space allows one to truly value objects around as a decoration and element to help the flow of the space.


Thick 2D

Figure and ground represent positive and negative space. Through this idea of space we can look at figures as part of the field. This allows movement and effect to be enhanced to field and figures closer.


Flocks, Schools, Swarms and Crowds

Architects study how flocks move to not disturb the environment too much. Flocks move small distances and move toward the center. Much like crowds of any species it is hard to control or predict movement but object and space can help change movement or how crowds think.

Distributed Institutions

A more radical shift is required because as technology and society change so does the use of former and newer buildings. Adaptation is needed more and more as technology increases and society shifts in our daily lives. To have the strongest chance to change with the times we must have sometimes and buildings willing to encourage us to continue living our best lives with the best experiences.