Illustrator Notes 1 (Week_01)

Illustrator interface – drawing ribbon, selecting tool – select vs direct select.  Photoshop vs Illustrator


  • Opening new document, sizing/orientation
  • Line tool, rectangle tool
  • Pen Tool
  • Scale, double click (isolation mode) Check or uncheck box for ‘scale line weight and line type.’
  • Selecting objects
    • Direct select vs select tools (white arrow vs black arrow)
    • Shift selecting control points
    • Shift image enlarging – avoid image distortion
      • Zooming through ctrl + or ctrl –
      • Copy/Paste ctrl C/ctrl V


  • Layers
    • Creation
    • Layer order establishes drawing order
    • Selecting everything on a layer through the image selection box – drag to change object layer
    • Renaming
    • Locking and visibility


  • Import CAD – CAD file must be saved down to 2007 version
  • Stroke, (Cap, corner, align stroke, dashed line)
  • Fill/Opacity


  • Live Paint Bucket
  • Isolation mode to edit paint group


Command: Default Shortcut

These are some of the commands covered:

Place:  ctrl shift P

Zoom:  ctrl +/-

Pan:  hold space bar

Rulers: ctrl R

Pen:  P

Type (Text):  T

Paint Bucket:  K

Refer to the adobe “cheat sheet” for others:

Refer to Adobe TV for additional tutorials:

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