Marc Schlossberg
I am a Professor of City & Regional Planning and Co-Director of the Sustainable Cities Institute (SCI) at the University of Oregon. I focus on re-designing cities so that more people can walk, bike, scooter, and take transit more of the time. My teaching, research, and community engagement is all applied in nature, utilizing the university as both an area for the generation and teaching of new knowledge, as well as a catalyst to accelerate social change toward more sustainable practice.
I have received two Distinguished Fulbright Scholar awards (United Kingdom 2009-10; Israel 2015-16) and am also President of the Board of the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Community Network (EPIC-N), an international collection of universities implementing the unique, massively scaled university-community partnership EPIC Model that I helped co-develop at the University of Oregon.
I am very proud of two, FREE, great case study books on Rethinking Streets that you should download and use: Prior to academia, I was a US Peace Corps Volunteer (Fiji) and worked in the nonprofit sector. The 2019 Study Abroad is the fifth time I have lead (co-lead this year) this course.
If you made it this far and really want more information about me talking about myself: