
VineOnline is a blog dedicated to reporting the latest news and events from ChinaVine team members

Mr. Her Makes a Noodle Lunch for the Fieldwork Team

On July 13th, 2011 the entire field school team made their first visit to Mr. Her’s studio. Mr. Her showed the team around his studio, which is currently under construction. He discussed with us several of his finished paintings. The paintings were lined up under a covered walkway with an open wall to a courtyard. […] […]

Maintaining Balance and Finding the Flow: Field Working for ChinaVine Among China’s Tai Chi Masters and Big Media Magnates

Hello Everyone!

This is to remind you that you are invited to join AAD faculty members Doug Blandy and Scott Huette TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 8th from 12:30-1:30 PM for a brown-bag presentation about their recent trip to China in association with the ChinaVine initiative. “Maintaining Balance and Finding the Flow: Field Working for ChinaVine Among […]

Wei Ligang

The fieldwork field school met several artists living in Song Zhuang, an area outside of Beijing where contemporary artists have congregated. This area has been developing as a popular artist community over the past twenty five years. The local government now estimates the area attracts approximately 500,000 tourists a year who visit galleries and artist’s […] […]