
VineOnline is a blog dedicated to reporting the latest news and events from ChinaVine team members

Maintaining Balance and Finding the Flow: Field Working for ChinaVine Among China’s Tai Chi Masters and Big Media Magnates

Hello Everyone!

This is to remind you that you are invited to join AAD faculty members Doug Blandy and Scott Huette TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 8th from 12:30-1:30 PM for a brown-bag presentation about their recent trip to China in association with the ChinaVine initiative. “Maintaining Balance and Finding the Flow: Field Working for ChinaVine Among […]

ChinaVine Presents at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

Professors John Fenn (left) and Doug Blandy (right)

Last night, University of Oregon Professors Doug Blandy and John Fenn presented on this past summer’s Beijing based field school at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. Blandy and Fenn spoke alongside other UO faculty, staff, and students at the JSMA whose presentations generally […]

ChinaVine Field School Compares Cultures, Artistic Practices

Check out how the ChinaVine Field School compares cultures and artistic practices in this recent article featured on the University of Oregon’s School of Architecture and Allied Arts website: ChinaVine Field School Compares Cultures, Artistic Practices

Field school progress…

At this point, we are more than halfway through our Beijing-based, ChinaVine-driven field school, and everything is moving along according to—and in many ways, exceeding—our plans. As co-directors, we spent many hours planning and imagining the experience we’d like students to have in Beijing, the whole time realizing that, ultimately, much of the experience would […] […]