Field Experience

What is Clinical Practice (Field Experience) for Student Teachers?

Why is it called Clinical Practice? You may be familiar with the medical rotations a med student has to do prior to attaining their license. Clinical Practice in teaching is similar.

Otherwise known as,

  • Field Experience
  • Field placement
  • Site placement
  • Supervised teaching
  • Part time placement

Regardless of what it is called, it is three distinct phases of the teacher licensure program which increase in time and complexity across the year.

Your field experiences is designed to provide you with the coaching, mentorship, skills, and dispositions training vital to your preparation to become a teacher.

1.Goals & Overview for the 34-week Field Experience

Field and practicum experiences are to provide carefully supervised learning activities in which the teacher candidate can:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to do daily, weekly, and long-range instructional planning, including the ability to identify and provide for individual differences among students.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to provide a physical and social environment suitable for learning.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to achieve desired learning outcomes with pupils through the application of a variety of instructional techniques.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate student progress in relation to stated objectives of instruction.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to interact with members of the profession in a manner appropriate for a teacher.

At the end of summer and fall terms, practicum placement coordinators will hold a placement orientation. See UOTeach blog calendar for specific dates.

2. UOTeach Placement Selection Process

Selection and placement of practicum students and cooperating professionals will be
made without regard to sex, color, race, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation,
marital status, disability, or veteran’s status.Placement ProcessSchool District Partners (Lane County School Map)

Eugene 4J Springfield Bethel South Lane Creswell
Fern Ridge Harrisburg Oakridge Pleasant Hill Junction City
Albany Corvallis Salem / Keizer


3. Clinical Field Experience Progression Steps:

Overview Required Preparation Academic Year Pre-Fall Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term
Step Progression Check List & Key Assessments ESOL September Experience Field Observation Clinical Student Practicum Clinical Student Teaching