
Since 1982, the Governor’s State Employees Food Drive has collected food and funds for the Oregon Food Bank Network. Every February, UO employees participate, supporting FOOD for Lane County (FFLC) and their network of food pantries including the Student Food Pantry. Participating university departments designate a department coordinator (see list on Contact page) to encourage and track fundraising. In 2023, UO employees contributed 162,364 meals to FOOD for Lane County! 

The 2024 Governor’s State Employees Food Drive will run February 1-29.


How to give:

Payroll deductions: One-time gifts or recurring monthly payroll deductions are possible! This is a great way to meet the Governor’s Challenge, for each state employee to donate the equivalent of $12+ per month. Note this is also the only method to donate to an Oregon regional food bank other than FFLC.

Online giving through GiveGab: This method is great for one-time donations, or to participate in fundraising events organized by your department coordinator. Each team has its own giving page through FFLC’s fundraising platform, GiveGab.




Why food and funds both matter 

Donating food provides a diversity of offerings to pantry shelves. Your food donation is tangible and a physical reminder that our food insecure neighbors are people just like us. 

Cash donations go further! Food share agencies like FFLC leverage funds by ordering low-cost, high-quality foods at quantities and prices not available to the average consumer. Cash also supports innovative programs that address the root causes of hunger through advocacy and public education. It also keeps freezers running and trucks on the road.