ORBI 2015-16 Lecture series: Natural History, Print, and Empire

Walter Rothschild, Avifauna of Laysan (London: R. H. Porter, 1890-99), UO Special Collections, xQL 694. H3 W5

Walter Rothschild, Avifauna of Laysan (London: R. H. Porter, 1890-99), UO Special Collections, xQL 694. H3 W5

“Disorderly Nature and Biological Diversity: Aristotelian Environmentalism in Historical Perspective”
Malcolm Wilson, Classics, University of Oregon
Wednesday, February 10, 2016  Paulson Reading Room 4:45 pm

“Writing the Nation: Correspondence and Collaboration in Early Modern British Science.”
Elizabeth Yale, Center for the Book, University of Iowa
Wednesday, March 16, 2016  Paulson Reading Room 4:45 pm

“Alexander von Humboldt and the Crucible of the Tropics.”
Ralph Bauer, English, University of Maryland
Tuesday, April 5th, 2016  Knight Browsing Room, 4:00 pm

“Thinking about Captain Cook: Narrative and Engravings for the Pacific Voyages”
Elizabeth Bohls, Professor; and Amanda Schmidt, Graduate Student, English
University of Oregon
April 20th, 2016  Paulson Reading Room 4:45 pm

“Why Write a Book on China?  Athanasius Kircher (1602-80) between Rome and the World”
Paula Findlen, Ubaldo Pierotti Professor of Italian History, Stanford University
Thursday, May 5th, 2016  Knight Browsing Room, 4:00 pm