Followup to our discussion of Simonsohn’s fraud paper

Here are a few links following up on things that came up in our discussion today. 1. For those of you who are interested in learning more about the Diederik Stapel fraud case, a collection of links to commentaries about it. 2. Regarding Dirk Smeesters, I mentioned that one of his collaborators posted a lengthy comment about the case, including his involvement and some pretty raw emotions, when it was first revealed at Retraction Watch. (See also here at Wired.) 4. Some interesting parallels between Simonsohn’s work and that of an earlier fraud detective, NIH biologist Walter Stewart. ***** The … Continue reading Followup to our discussion of Simonsohn’s fraud paper

Scientific fraud

For our next Meth Lab meeting, this Thursday at noon, we are going to talk about scientific fraud. As many of you probably know, this summer there were some revelations of high-profile fraud cases in psychology, both of which resulted in the resignation of the accused researchers (Dirk Smeesters of Erasmus University, and Lawrence Sanna at the University of Michigan). Both were caught when Uri Simonsohn, a psychologist at Wharton, investigated statistical anomalies in their published studies. Here is a link to a working paper by Simonsohn (under review at Psych Science) that details his method for detecting improbable results. … Continue reading Scientific fraud

Link to list of summer quant workshops

2012 Summer Statistics Courses Unfortunately, many of these workshops have already passed. But this list is updated annually so it is a good resource for future opportunities.   And here’s a link to the online MPlus resources Sanjay mentioned: MPlus Courses