James Voelkers [Seed] [Legacy]





Seed – Amur Maple is now considered an invasive species, but the ancestors of this tree at Overlook were most likely introduced as an ornamental species. The colors of the ripe samaras are vivid. The embryo-form of the resulting work organically occurred through layering the magenta-colored seed wings to create uniform bands of color.

Legacy – During our excursions into the forest, I found many bones, most of which were deer. There is a large population of deer at Overlook, and they invisibly sculpt the landscape, grazing, and preventing new growth from emerging. I also found naturalized honeysuckle with brilliant red berries. Like the Amur maples, the honeysuckle were likely introduced as an ornamental species, but are now invasive throughout the property. And like many invasive species, deer do not eat them. The prevalence of the honeysuckle, which happily colonizes the ground cleared of native vegetation, is an indirect legacy of the large deer population.

Both pieces speak to the enduring legacy of landscape architectural decisions, the ephemerality of beauty, and the power of the sublime to frame our design decisions.