Final Project Idea

So, right now, I have a pretty good idea for my final project for this class. I’m gonna propose my story idea by writing the first chapter of a possible cli-fi novel. Hopefully there isn’t too much of a limit to what I can write. I still need to do the close-reading analysis for the actual chapter. However, I could use some help with some details for the plot and how to weave certain elements of the story together. That is why I am asking for help from my fellow classmates.

Contine reading

Don’t Panic, We’re Safe. Right?

There’s always talk of climate change, of what is going to be left of the world. Sea levels rise, cities become submerged. Is there any hope? According to this article from Business Insider, the United States as a whole is, for the most part, safe. So no need to worry, right? Nope.
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Though the infographic deems the U.S. safe from climate change, it is misleading. The map is a zoomed out effect. It doesn’t focus on smaller state, region, or city specific information. So on paper, the U.S. looks safe. But what happens to the cities at current sea levels? The coastal towns we love on the East and West coast? What happens to those? Contine reading