October 15, 2047

Instead of writing one short Cli-Fi story I chose to make my final project into a newspaper. This futuristic newspaper is dated October 15, 2047. It features everything a normal newspaper would such as articles, advertisements, photos, and a comic strip. All the articles I wrote describe how the world is being affected by climate change. Some of these articles are completely fabricated but others have a large possibly to actually occur in the future around the time of 2047. Although, I tried to make the newspaper somewhat realistic. Here is an example of one advertisement I created and included in my newspaper:


I thought it was important to incorporate some hope into my newspaper not just negative stories. Most of the stories we read in class had a negative ending due to climate change and I wanted to show that there still is some hope for the future. I think the future is going to revolve around technology way more than it does today so I created this ad to show the possible technological advances we could have. Making futuristic voicemails is what inspired me to write a newspaper. I’ve created newspapers before for other classes and have always found the process of making them really fun and creative. I originally had the idea to write a story about one rare aquarium in the world that is home to the last living shark. Instead, I turned this story into an article for the front page of my newspaper. Deciding to write a newspaper was a good idea because I like writing a bunch of mini works of Cli-Fi in order to make one large project. I was able to incorporate multiple plot ideas I had instead of just focusing on one. Plus, I feel like this work of Cli-Fi will be very affective to those who read it because it causes people to think. If you were to read this newspaper on October 15, 2047 would you be okay with the headlines?



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