What is Building Business Leaders?

Upon joining the Lundquist College of Business in 2009, I was inspired to lead a cutting edge project that attracts and retains under-represented minority students for Business and Accounting degrees.

The core of our work focuses on a weekly workshop that explore the value and purpose of a student’s investment in his or her education. According to an excerpt from Claude Steele’s Whistling Vivaldi:

By helping students develop a narrative about the setting that explains their frustrations while projecting positive engagement and success in the setting, you can greatly improve their sense of belonging and achievement– which done at a critical time could redirect the course of their lives.

The goal of Building Business Leaders is to develop exemplary leaders who:

1. Brand their uniqueness

2. Use resources to overcome challenges

3. Leverage co-curricular opportunities

4. Team build to reach goals

5. Plan their academic and skill development


In addition, reflective points are built in to reaffirm character, self-motivation and identity beyond their professional goals. It is my hope that students will use this newfound awareness to amplify their roles within their personal lives, communities and every day challenges.


We aim to challenge the status quo, one leader at a time. Together we can level the playing field.

Tayah Butler, MBA

2012 Martin Luther King Jr. Award Recipient

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