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Ina Asim

Ina Asim

Office: 317 McKenzie Hall
Phone: (541)346-6161

Biographical information:
Associate Professor, Pre-Modern Chinese History
M.A. 1982 Wuerzburg University Germany, Sinology, Japanology, German Literature
1985 Linguistic Information- and Textprocessing
Dr. phil. 1992 Wuerzburg University, Sinology, Japanology, German Literature
Dr. phil.habil. 2002 Wuerzburg University, Venia Legendi for Sinology

With the U of O since 2002

Major Publications
Authored Works

Kluge Gattin, gute Mutter – oder Revolutionärin? Frauen und Frauenbildung in Vorstellungen und Biographien chinesischer Reformer des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. (2002);

Religiöse Landverträge aus der Song-Zeit.. (Religious Land Contracts from the Song Dynasty). (1993).

In preparation for print
‘Coiling Dragon,Crouching Tiger’. Urban Life in Late Ming Nanjing.

Book publication “edited in cooperation with “Beamtentum und Wirtschaftspolitik in der Song-Dynastie (Officialdom
and Economic Politics in the Song-Dynasty), hg. von Dieter Kuhn unter Mitarbeit von Ina Asim. (1995).

Research Articles

“Antiquarianism”. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. Storia della Scienza. Vol. III Le Scienze
Extraeuropee. Sez. A. Science in China. [Encyclopedia of the history of science. History of Science in China.] (2002).

“The Merchant Wang Zhen (1525-1593)”. ( Kenneth J. Hammond, [ed.] The Human Tradition in Premodern China.

“Decline of a Well- Ordered World: What Happened to Sartorial Regulations at the End of the Ming”. Denise Gimpel and Melanie Hanz (eds.),
Cheng – In All Sincerity. Festschrift in Honor of Monika Uebelhoer. (2002). Aspects of the Perception of Zhou Ideals in the Song Dynasty
(960-1279)” (2001).

“Weise Mutter, gute Gattin – oder Revolutionärin? Frauen in Biographie und Gedankenwelt des Reformers Cai Yuanpei (1868-1940)”. (“Wise Mother, Good Wife – or Revolutionary? Women in the Biography and in the Thoughts
of Cai Yuanpei (1868-1940”)). (1999).

“Status Symbol and Insurance Policy: Song Land Deeds for the Afterlife.” (1994).

“Die aristokratische Grabkultur des 7. und 8. Jahrhunderts” (“Aristocratic Tomb Culture in the 7th and 8th Centuries”) (1993).