Artifact 1: JR and His Exhibitions


–       Become familiar with the structure and requirements for this course

–       Getting to know the other students in this class

–       Create an online blog to use for posting research and other assignments

Original post: JR and His Exhibitions

In this blog “French artist JR and his exhibitions” posted by Clarissa Sebag- Montefiore, people who are lived in China finally had the chance to see JR’s works and involve in his project.

After arrested in China when he first worked in Shanghai, JR brought his project back this summer in 2014. JR, a French street artist who is famous by his giant black and white photography throughout the world and who had been awarded the 2011 TED prize.

I love his works because when he traveled to many places to photography different people’s faces and pasted it onto the walls and roofs and almost everywhere in the city, he let the public to wonder the stories behind it instead of telling them directly. For example, like the author said, “Last time he was in Shanghai, JR’s portraiture focused largely on the city’s elderly residents,” the irony is that he pasted the photos just on the old housing complex which is almost to be destructed. So there are always hidden message through his works and I believe that these photographs might be changing the viewer’s point of view in some ways.

By consisted on spreading the idea of “use art to turn the world inside out”, JR inspired me somehow and the way using city as an art gallery and letting public to think and exchange thoughts is what I interested in most.



(Web picture of JR’s artworks)

My very first artifact is about the French artist JR and his famous exhibitions that finally arrived in China. I chose to respond to an article about JR since I thought he is an interesting person and brought new ideas to public when people viewing his photographs, and also because there was a special connection between him and my home country.

Since I am art student and I am very interested in appreciating different types of artworks, this artifact has helped me to meet the objectives of the first assignment as well. It gives a simple introduction as to how I perceive art when relates to this class, and it shows my interests and passions. By creating and posting my thoughts, exploring useful technics, I learned how to set up a blog and respond my fellow classmate’s comments.

Future goals:

For the future I will continue to develop my skill of building up my own blog and explore more useful technics related to blogging, such as customize the layout of my blog and upload more of my own photographs. I also want to follow JR’s track and see how he creates more new projects to the world.


Sebag, Clarissa. “French Artist JR and His Exhibitions – Art.”(Web image) – Time Out. Timeoutshanghai, 23 May 2014. Web. 03 Nov. 2014.

Table of Contents:

Main Page

Artifact 1: First Blog Post- JR and His Exhibitions

Artifact 2: Life Values Assessment

Artifact 3: What is Art For?

Artifact 4: Is Food Art?

Artifact 5: The Art of Personal Adornment 

Artifact 6: Creative Spirituality

Artifact 7: Art, Games, and Technology Research

Artifact 8: Remixing Culture



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